Design Development







Repair and

Atelier Ebroussard

The workshop Atelier Ebroussard offers to its customers a whole range of subcontracting
services in the areas of Jewelry, Fine Jewelry and Precious Objet d'art.

Our services cover the entire production, from concept development to PackShot photo.
All or parts of the services can be requested.
Our areas of predilections are sculptural jewelry and precious objet d'art.

The entire production takes place in Paris, with the exception of some specific works
made by highly specialized close partners
who are only based in France, the UK, Switzerland and Germany.


- Création et Production Joallières -

71 rue de Sèvres
75006 Paris

+33 (0) 611 664 611


The workshop Atelier Ebroussard agrees and warrants to its customers
the utmost confidentiality for each one of the works performed.

We guarantee the highest level of requirements in terms of technique and finishing,
as well as a full production in France
(except for mechanical watchmaking which is made in Switzerland and Germany).

Legal Notice

Entrepreneur : Jothi-Sèroj Ebroussard
+33 (0) 611 664 611
N° Siret : 52481979400016
N° NAFA : 3212ZZ
N° Immatriculation : 524819794R075

Chambre des Métiers et de l'Artisanant de Paris
72/74 rue de Reuilly, 75592 PARIS CEDEX 12

Responsable de publication : Jothi-Sèroj Ebroussard

L'ensemble de ce site relève des législations françaises et internationales
sur le droit d'auteur et la propriété intellectuelle. Tous les droits de reproduction sont réservés,
y compris pour les documents iconographiques et photographiques.

Hébergeur du site : OVH SAS
Siège social : 2 rue Kellerman - 59100 ROUBAIX - France.

image d\'un croquis conceptuel au crayon


Our Design staff can execute the drawing of a single model as well as an entire collection.
Each step of the development process is offered :
- concept design,
- research sketch,
- drawing,
- manual or computer-assisted gouache work,
- photomontage,
- volumetric representation on plastilin.

image d\'une tablette graphique

Computer-aided design.

We also offer computer-aided design (CAD).
One piece can be modeled in 3D, in whole or in part,
by using computer softwares and it can be prototyped with
a 3D printer before being drawn in metal.
The designed models go from the simplest geometric forms
to the more naturalistic animal representations.

image d'un scultpeur travaillant sur un oiseau de cire

Wax Modelling.

Wax modelling sculpture of jewelry pieces,
especially precious objet d'art, is our specialty.
This manufacturing technique provides an infinite
range of possible shapes and gives a very noticeable
soul supplement to the item.

image d'un scultpeur travaillant sur un oiseau de métal

Metal Production.

We produce forged unique pieces by using
conventional techniques, by melting wax or by CAD printing.
We can also create small series either from melting or
from machining.

image d'un joaillier travaillant sur une pierre en forme de coeur

Stone Workshop.

Particularly suitable for precious objet d'art, stone work on
hard stones, coral, pearl, amber, ivory, precious woods
and others, is another one of our specialities.
These delicate materials are exclusively handcrafted,
plus with the use of some traditional machines.

image d'un horloger remplaçant une pièce de montre poignet


By working closely with one independent watchmaker
in Switzerland and another one in Germany, we can offer sophisticated mechanisms for watches, clocks and automatons.

image d'un appareil photo


We put at your disposal a photo studio, retouching services, creation and editing of lookbooks as well as web graphic presentation, for a turnkey visual communication.

image du polissage d'une pierre

Repair and After-Sales Services.

Last but not least, we offer a repair and maintenance service
that meets the demands of :
- small repairs,
- laser-stitching correction,
- resizing,
- fallen stones resetting,
- re-polishing and rhodium plating.